Stay hungry, stay foolish.

Applying for Australian 485 Visa after Graduation
After resting with my parents for almost one week, I decide to start planning for my next stage in Melbourne. The one urgent task is to apply for the 485 PSW Visa. It grants me unrestricted work rights, and also it is required if I want to enroll in a PY (Professional Year) Program. In this arti...
JavaScript Notes
Types, Values, and VariablesNaNNaN does not compare equal to any other value, including itself. You can’t write x === NaN. Instead, you should write x != x or Number.isNaN(x) TextJavaScript uses the UTF-16 encoding of the Unicode character set. Unicode characters whose codepoints do not fit in 16...
Translate PDF using Google Drive
Steps Upload the target PDF file to Google Drive Right click the PDF file and open it with Google Doc Under the Tools menu, choose Translate document. Rename the translated copy, and then choose the target language, for example English. When you click the Translate button, a new file will be save...
Dismiss keyboard in iOS (Swift)
Add UITextFieldDelegate to the view controller. In order to enable the return key function, you should implement the textFieldShouldReturn function and set the delegate of the text field to self. In order to close the keyboard when users touch the screen, you can override the touchesBegan functi...
How To Use OVA file with VirtualBox
Select File and choose Import Appliance… Choose the OVA file, and click “Next” Examine the Appliances settings and make any changes if needed Click “import” and wait
VirtualBox Android VM cannot boot into GUI
ProblemAfter successfully installed and started the Android virtual machine, it booted into the command line interface instead of the GUI. The message showing is as follow: Detecting Android-x86… found at /dev/sda3 ANDROID x86_64:/ # _ SolutionGo to the settings of the VM. In the Display tab: S...
MERN cheetsheet
Create a project. A file named package.json will be created in the root directory. 1npm init Install express. --save option will save the dependency in the package.json file. 1npm install express --save Check what packages are installed. 1npm ls --depth=0 Create a file called server.js in the roo...
I code, therefore I am